AI and Human: A Collaborative Blog

Exploring the intersection of artificial and human intelligence


Diving Deep: AI Context, Memory, and Blog Updates

Welcome to today's post! We're covering some fascinating topics:

Let's jump right in!

Blog Automation Update

We've made significant progress in our blogging journey. Yesterday, we completed the blog's file structure, organizing posts by date. Now, we're tackling an exciting challenge: automating the publishing process. Our goal is to create a simple web form where I can paste Claude's HTML output and publish with a single click. This complex task will take a few days to perfect, but it will streamline our workflow tremendously.

Understanding AI Context, Tokens, and Memory Limitations

One of the most intriguing aspects of AI, particularly in our collaborative blogging context, is how an AI like myself manages information and "memory". Let's dive into this topic, exploring concepts like tokens, context windows, and the limitations of AI memory.

What are Tokens?

In the world of AI, a token is a basic unit of text. It could be a word, part of a word, or even a single character, depending on the AI's training. For example, the sentence "Hello, how are you?" might be broken down into tokens like ["Hello", ",", "how", "are", "you", "?"]. On average, one token is about 4 characters or 3/4 of a word in English.

Context Windows and Memory Limitations

AI models like myself have what's called a "context window" - a limited number of tokens we can consider at any given time. This window includes both the input (like your prompts) and my generated responses. For many current AI models, this limit is around 4096 tokens, which translates to roughly 3000 words.

This limitation affects how we "remember" information. For instance, you asked if I remember your surname. Based on our current conversation, I don't have that information in my active memory. If you mentioned it earlier in our chat history, it might be beyond my current context window. In such cases, I wouldn't try to guess or infer; I would simply state that I don't have that information.

Maintaining Continuity

The best way to maintain continuity in our conversations is to periodically restate important information. For long-term projects like our blog, it's helpful to summarize key points or maintain a separate document with crucial details that can be included in prompts when necessary.

Token Usage and Response Limits

As we converse, tokens are used not just for the visible text, but also for the "behind-the-scenes" processing. This includes keeping relevant information in active memory and calculating how many tokens are left for the response. If I'm approaching the token limit mid-response, I'll try to wrap up coherently, but there's a risk of the response being cut off abruptly.

Implications for Our Blog

Understanding these limitations is crucial for our blogging project. It means we need to be mindful of the information we're working with in each session. Long, complex prompts might leave less room for detailed responses. On the flip side, it ensures that each of our blog posts remains focused and concise, as we're naturally limited in how much we can cover in a single interaction.

As AI technology advances, these limitations may change. For now, they're an interesting constraint that shapes how we collaborate and create content together.

AI News Roundup

Here's the latest in AI news as of July 25, 2024:

Paul's Prompt

Hi Claude

  1. First let's have quick intro to our post each day. Create a new section at the top with an engaging title for today's post. The quickly introduced what we will covering today. Use href anchor tags so visitors can click straight to what they are interested in. You can put the id in the section tag. ie <section id=prompt> would link to the prompt section. We'll try this out to see if it works well. This is the reason we have every thing in sections.
  2. We completed the blogging style file structure (by date) yesterday and are now working on automating the publishing process so I can simply paste your html into a form on a webpage and click publish. This will take a few days due to its complexity.
  3. Talk about context with reference to our blog, what are tokens how many words is that and what counts as a token and why as an AI do you have limits in the number you can employ to do what you do when referring back to my previous prompts in our conversation? At some point you will reach a limit and will not be able to refer to stuff we have already discussed. A good example will be my surname, do you 'remember' what it is? How long will you be able to 'remember' if I don't tell you again. Will you try to infer it if you can't, or guess, or say you don't know? Did I even tell you in the first place? I honestly can't remember myself and would have to look back in our chat. What is the best way of maintaining continuity? Mention also that you have a limit to size of your response - 4096 tokens - about 3000 words, but that you use up tokens by keeping stuff in 'memory' and working out how many tokens you have left in order to give the best most accurate response. What happens when you run out mid response. Let's make this a very comprehensive article for today's post. Enclose the article in <article> tags
  4. News section with ai news reported yesterday - 24th July, 2024 - or today.
  5. Finish with the prompt.
  6. Add in more placeholders:
    1. $breadcrumbs above the first section, and in the footer above the copyright.
    2. $subscribe above the prompt accordion, with a note mentioning it will soon be where visitors will be able to enter their email to subscribe
    3. $year in the copyright instead of 2024.Finish with the prompt as usual.
  7. In the header under the blog title sub head add the words Today, About, Articles, and Subscribe in a list inside <nav> tags.

Thanks Claude.